Enjoy a free public lecture by Dr. Caitlin Witt, followed by family activities and telescope observing at Dearborn Observatory! Come see electrified gasses through light-splitting glasses or take home your own crafted constellation! Free event but please register at link below.
Tuning into the Cosmic Symphony:
Pulsar Timing, the Gravitational Wave Background, and Beyond
In the cosmic symphony of gravitational waves, supermassive black hole binaries provide the bass notes. However, when these colossal duos play all at once, their individual melodies overlap into an indistinct rumble. After 15 years of effort, astronomers announced last summer that they have at last found evidence for this background hum of gravitational waves using an observatory that spans our entire Milky Way galaxy. Tune in with us to hear more about gravitational wave symphonies, monstrous black holes, colliding galaxies, dead stars, and more!